TouchStream LP: Day 2

It’s day two with the zero-force keyboard, and my proficiency has definitely improved. This is mostly thanks to getting some practice in with two typing tutors in Debian: gtyping and typespeed.

I’ve realised how my typing style (which used to be pure touch-typing) has evolved: given how much programming will tend towards punctuation, coupled with the fact that I used emacs (notorious for its use if the Control modifier), my typing has similarly tended to keep the little fingers for shifting; the middle threefingers taking on the brunt of the letters.

By way of example, the following has been typed without backspacing, in a QWERTY layout:

Still the most difficult I am finding is the yse if the little fingerw: I csan faio to
type the fqr reacung A ir X or Z on acvsduin (meant to reqd ocasiom!). If I look down
at the keyboard I tend to type far betterm but this does mean tht I;m not looking at
what I;m typing anywqhere neqr as much, whidh won;t be good when I;m ckdung in Python!
Those gripes aside, I have become very used to the cursor mofement and mouse poimting,
hafe laerned a few if te gestures, and ivvasionally manage ti get clise ti my originsl
typing sped (b[arrung errors and keys accidentally oressed in the misdke if other words(.

Clearly far from plain sailing, but a drastic improvement from yesterday’s hunt-and-peck!

I anticipate another few days’ of typing exercises and working with the TouchStream will start to bear fruit.

Submitted by marek on Fri, 08/20/2004 - 23:00