Marek has right channel EQ-versus-crossover FAIL; and punter-count FAIL.

Link: Marek has right channel EQ-versus-crossover FAIL; and punter-count FAIL.

Wes notices that half the PA isn’t putting out much bass. After fiddling it starts to sound half reasonable with:

Left Channel
bass end of EQ starts at 0dB; rises to top end needing +6dB
Right Channel
bass end of EQ needs +12dB; at around 1kHz sharp drop to 0dB

…but as the night progresses, and (presumably) some Victorian-era steam-powered amplification equipment “warms up”…

Left Channel
bass end of EQ -6dB; mid needs a sharp peak to +9dB; top end needs +6dB
Right Channel
same: bass end of EQ needs +12dB; at around 1kHz sharp drop to 0dB
Submitted by marek on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 23:39