Cavern Bar

I’m known for ranting about various subjects with my friends, and one of the common themes (especially during Martin’s stay) has been about attraction and relationships. Why do so many girls complain that they’re going out with yet another jerk? or ass-hole? or perhaps something involving even more colourful language? One hypothesis is that it is all too easy to confuse self-confidence for self-centered arrogance, and so one misses the rarer qualities of a secure and caring individual and ends up dating the jerk.

Every now and then it is great to see that the world isn’t all stereotypes and that good people do meet each other. The couple serving to illustrate this point to me today are Chris and Holly. Chris is one of my relatives, the cousin I hold in the highest regard. He’s smart, self-confident, funny, good-looking and caring. I only met Holly, his girlfriend of some time, a few days ago but she comes across in a very similar manner: smart, self-confident, funny, good-looking and caring. I’m really pleased that two good people have found each other, if only because it means there are now two fewer people ranting at their friends with the opening line, “Why do I keep falling for jerks?!”

Submitted by marek on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 21:00