Notre Dame, Paris

Submitted by marek on Tue, 12/28/2004 - 00:00

Response from MP Regarding Software Patents

Letter from Keith Bradley MP, to Marek Isalski, dated 22 December 2004. The letter says:

Dear Marek Isalski,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 13th December, 2004 regarding software patents in relation to EU legislation.

In order that your concerns can be properly addressed, I have today written to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on your behalf and immediately I receive a reply I will write to you again.

Yours sincerely,

The Rt. Hon. Keith BradleyMP, Manchester Withington

Submitted by marek on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 09:00

Letter to MP Regarding UK/EU Software Patents

Software patents. I don’t want them. I don’t think my employer will want them. The EU is pushing a directive permitting software patents. Believing myself to be in the EU (which currently does not permit software patents), and believing the UK to have adopted the same patentability laws as the EU, I faxed my MP.

Dear Mr Keith Bradley,

Submitted by marek on Mon, 12/13/2004 - 09:00

Early to Rise, Early to Work

Arriving as early as I did this morning the whole Trust was dark and deserted. You know it’s too early in the morning when you expect shuffling, moaning zombies to be wandering the site instead of your work colleagues.

Submitted by marek on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 06:00

RS/6000 Adopted as Kennel

There’s an old RS/6000 box in our kitchen. This morning I was greeted by Honour sitting on top of it. She’d slept much better and hadn’t been anywhere near as upset at sleeping alone. She’s now adopted the server as a pedestal to get a bit higher when we’re all in the kitchen.

Submitted by marek on Wed, 12/08/2004 - 10:00

Floppy ears and jowls and pleading eyes - on a walk in Worcestershire

Today we drove to Thing Hill, near Hereford, and came back with Honour, the dog you see pictured here. She’s a gorgeous beagle-cross-collie with a wary, but otherwise good, temperament.

Submitted by marek on Sun, 12/05/2004 - 13:00

TouchStream LP; Post-Infest 2004

TouchStream LP

It’s been over a week since I started using the TouchStream LP. I’m a lot more proficient but still fall foul of Q-vs-A, occasional punctuation (top right _/-/=/+ and occasional brackets), and can’t type mkdir quite as quickly as I used to (the mk tends to disappear). That aside, typing is extremely comfortable, and like many others, love the integrated mouse. Moving your hands to pick up a mouse feels just weird.

Submitted by marek on Wed, 09/01/2004 - 23:00

Caffeine and Computers

The Software Development Offices at Wythenshawe Hospital from 2003-2006

Submitted by marek on Tue, 08/31/2004 - 23:00

Combichrist at Infest 2004

The first Infest I was invited to crew, and it was an incredible experience.  Very hard work, exhausting physically and mentally, but so absolutely worth it.  Music, a mission, a show, grafting alongside a hard-working team… fantastic!

I was in the photographer’s pit when Andy opened screaming “This $hit Will Fcuk You Up” and the energy of his performance set the tone for the rest of the weekend.

Submitted by marek on Thu, 08/26/2004 - 23:00

TouchStream LP: Day 5

Today I had to use a standard keyboard.

I wondered where all these extra ASDF letters came from when capitalising my name.

Marek’s Supposition: relearning motor schemas can take as little as 5 days.

Submitted by marek on Mon, 08/23/2004 - 23:00
