Love Hurts


Love Hurts OverClocked Remix of Sonic the Hedgehog by DJ Pretzel

…and then I started to remember how much Airships sounds like Sonic the Hedgehog music…

Submitted by marek on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 20:44

The Self-Indulgent Ponzi Scheme: Twenty-Five Things

Enough with the “twenty-five things” requests!

If you’ve been sent this link by me either you’ve tagged me in this blog-meme and wanted me to write something, or perhaps you’re someone who I think will find some of this funny, interesting, or flame-bait. I shall try and fire-break this worldwide share-fest and say you do not need to tell twenty-five other people to write twenty-five other things. Stop the self-indulgent Ponzi scheme!

Submitted by marek on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 17:54

Sample Polaroid

Submitted by marek on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 10:47


Project: write a small application to survey, photograph and print a “Polaroid picture”.

Submitted by marek on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 17:38

“Polaroid” Application for an Exhibition Stand

Submitted by marek on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 17:37
